The baby line
Congratulations on your new baby!
You've provided your baby with the best possible environment for the last nine months. They were surrounded with love and kindness as they delicately developed inside you.
Now that they're on the outside, wrap them in loving kindness with products that won't hurt them or the earth they'll grow up in.
Nursing Nipple Nurture-Natural Nipple Cream
Congratulations on your new baby! You've spent the last 9 months getting to know them on the inside, now you need to learn about them on the outside.
Learning to breastfeed can be difficult, especially if you're in pain.
Help sooth sore or cracked nipples with our Natural Nipple Cream. Since all the ingredients are safe, they don't need to be wiped off before baby feeds. All the ingredients are naturally sourced with a low chance of an allergic reaction.
15ml-$15* 60ml-$30*
Perfect Puff Powder
Keep your baby dry and moisture free with our Perfect Puff Powder.
The arrowroot absorbs moisture and helps cut down on friction, which helps to prevent rashes.
The calendula flowers have a natural protective and nourishing element.
100ml $15*